January 14, 2012

25 Things To Do...

As mentioned in previous posts here and here, I have set myself a list of 25 Things To Do Before I'm 25. With only 9 months to go until my 25th birthday, I've begun to turn things up a notch and commit a little more time to the cause.

For me, the challenge came about after watching the film The Bucket List.  Following it's release, I listened to my friends and family discuss all the things they wanted to do before they died, yet none of them seemed to be making any attempts at accomplishing them.

I admit, sometimes life can get in the way of exciting plans and big dreams. After completing our day-to-day tasks and working 9-5, we can find ourselves looking back and thinking "where did the time go and what do I have to show for it?"

So in an attempt to reduce the things on my own Bucket List for when I reach retirement or discover my days are numbered, I've decided to start young and begin ticking off some extreme items early on in life.

Last weekend, I managed to tick off Number 1- Go Skydiving!

Skydiving is something I've always wanted to do and having not yet heard of anyone who's taken the plunge and regretted it, I decided to book my younger sister and I in for an experience of a lifetime. The feeling was euphoric and surprisingly not scary at all, but rather liberating and carefree. While I understand how the adrenalin rush can become quite addictive, I can safely say that jumping once was enough for me and I can now finally say "I've done that".

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